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Biorefineries are boosting the bio-based industries across Europe

Since 2014, Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) has funded 11 flagship biorefineries in Europe,  leveraging €1.3 billion in private investments to support the design and construction of the biorefineries, creating 3,500 new direct jobs and 10,000 indirect ones. Projects that have received funding include FARMŸNGExilva Cellulose FibrilsFirst2RunAgriChemWheyPEFerenceAFTER-BIOCHEMSWEETWOODSPlenitudeResoluteabacus, and Lignoflag.

Projects throughout the bioeconomy

Projects are throughout Europe and throughout the bioeconomy: industrial biotechnology, 2G ethanol, lactic acid from whey, environmentally benign solvents, proteins from insects and plants, ligninbioplastics like PEF, microfibrillated cellulose, lignocellulosic sugars, fine chemicals, microalgea, etc.

2 projects concluded thus far

So far, two BBI JU-funded flagship projects have been concluded. The First2Run project boosted the local economy of Sardinia, in Italy, where it turned arid, marginal lands into a sustainable business and created new jobs. The biorefinery built by the EXILVA project in Sarpsborg, Norway, produces bio-based microfibrillated cellulose for a wide range of applications including body care products, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, composites, resins, and agricultural chemicals.

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This topic is one of Sirius Consultancy International’s most popular posts on LinkedIn. Seperate from the BBI JU post, our most popular post so far remains the announcement that Chemelot in Provincie Limburg, The Netherlands will be investing 4 bio Euro over the next 10 years to become European leader in circular chemistry.

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