
When promoting an innovation to an audience, it is important to understand the characteristics of the target population that will help adoption of the innovation.

Biobased products


When promoting an innovation to an audience, it is important to understand the characteristics of the target population that will help adoption of the innovation.

What is Innovation?

A recent study revealed that long-term disruptive forces have a strong influence on chemicals innovation, and that sustainability is an important driver for novel solutions. 

Key areas of Innovation where Sirius Consultancy International is helping its clients to create value through innovation are:

Technology Scouting

Technology scouting is an activity performed by innovation and research & development professionals to find technologies outside their own company.

Product Portfolio Analysis

Sirius Consultancy International assists its clients in evaluating their product portfolio based on market and applications needs.

Innovation Management

Innovation Management generates innovative ideas and turns them into attractive new products, services, and business models. 

Business Development

Business development is the creation of long-term value for an organization through partnerships, clients, and markets.

Adoption of Innovations

The key to adoption is that the person must perceive the idea, behavior, or product as new or innovative. Researchers have found that people who adopt an innovation early have different characteristics than people who adopt an innovation later.

The theory of  Innovation, developed by E.M. Rogers, is one of the oldest social science theories. When promoting an innovation, there are different strategies used to appeal to the different adopter categories:

Innovation adoption

1. Innovators
These are people who want to be the first to try the innovation. They are venturesome and interested in new ideas.

2. Early Adopters
These are people who represent opinion leaders. They enjoy leadership roles, and embrace change opportunities. 

3. Early Majority
These people are rarely leaders, but they do adopt new ideas before the average person. 

4. Late Majority
These people are skeptical of change, and will only adopt an innovation after it has been tried by the majority. 

5. Laggards
These people are bound by tradition and very conservative. They are very skeptical of change and are the hardest group to bring on board.