Accelerating biobased innovations from technology to market

Enabling clients to achieve organic growth by accelerating innovations from technology to market.

accelerating biobased innovations

Accelerating biobased innovations from technology to market

Enabling clients to achieve organic growth by accelerating innovations from technology to market.

Your trusted partner

Sirius Consultancy International B.V. (SCI) is your trusted strategy and implementation partner. As sounding board for investors, start-up, scale-up and high growth companies alike, SCI provides business development support in the biobased materials and chemicals industry based on fact-based information, making sure its clients are connected to the latest industry intelligence and help them to develop long-term business strategies accordingly.

Based on many years of combined experience in the field, SCI works based on the needs of its clients and focusses on accelerating business and innovation results.

Trusted partner

Our mission

Sirius Consultancy International (SCI) is based in The Netherlands and operates internationally. We believe that shifting from a fossil-based to a bio-based economy is an important contribution towards making the future more sustainable and purposeful.

Our vision

SCI creates value for its clients by developing business options through deploying fact-based information, proven strategy development methods and experience with the entire business development process.


SCI works hand in hand with its clients to open doors, generate leads and assess and develop new purposeful business opportunities. Services also encompass gathering market intelligence, developing go-to-market strategies and management coaching for scale-ups and high-growth companies, addressing business related dilemma’s and strategic choices.

Based on a solid network in the industry, SCI carries out technology scouting projects, feasibility studies and assists clients in developing a healthy product portfolio, adressing both technology and business development aspects.

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Industry News about the Biobased Economy. Bioplastics, biobased chemicals, food ingredients and ingredients for industrial and HPC applications.

Perspective of the whole value-chain

SCI creates value across the bioproducts sector, with scale-ups, multinationals and investors amongst its clients, and through collaboration in networks with other consultants. SCI works with high-growth companies active in the manufacturing of biobased plastics, biobased chemicals and ingredients sector and with their customers and other value-chain partners developing end-use  applications with these products.